
Physical Exams

Men's Health located in Dothan, AL and Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Physical Exams

Men's Health located in Dothan, AL and Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Routine physicals are the foundation of good health and a need that no one should overlook. They give you an opportunity to ask your provider questions and ensure you have the tools to stay healthy.  Booking your appointment is as simple as a phone call, or you can always schedule your visit online.

Physical Exams Q&A

If I’m not sick, do I need a physical exam?

Waiting until you’re sick to see a medical professional is not the best way to preserve your health. Routine physical exams are a cornerstone of preventive health, an approach that seeks to identify potential areas of concern and make adjustments before a problem arises that could compromise your health.


What happens during a physical exam?

Your physical exam begins with a discussion of your overall health. This is the time to bring up any changes or symptoms you’ve noticed. You can also ask questions about your health and wellness.

Expect to share information about your personal and family health history, especially during your initial visit. If you take medications or supplements, be prepared to provide details on the dosing. 

A routine physical exam includes an assessment of your skin, lung and breathing function, blood pressure, and temperature, as well as measures of weight and height. Basic hearing and vision checks are often included. 

If you’re overdue for a physical exam, call the office today to set up a visit. Online booking is also an option and is fast and easy.